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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Megaman Battle Network 2 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-04-13 20:35:36 Views : 22957 Free look at a locked cube If you want to just take a look at the purple cube and you have an Unlocker, save the game next to it. Use the Unlocker and if the item is bad, then reset the game. Gamecube logo After defeating Shadowman, reenter the main mother computer. Go to the back of the computer. Stand in front of the "mother computer main server", where Shadowman was standing before you fought him. Slowly go to Megaman's right. Upon a stack of cubes with purple, squiggly lines on them will be the Gamecube logo. Easy Zenny From where you are presently, keep walking around and battle a lot of enemies. If you are in Ms. Million's bag, you can get about 400 Zenny in each battle. You can get 10,000 Zenny from doing the love letter job and from Ms. Millions. Hard mode Successfully complete the game with all five stars. Highlight the "New Game" option at the title screen, then press Left(2), Right, Left, Right, Left, Right(2). If you entered the code correctly, the ''New Game'' option will turn orange. Select that option and the "Netbattle" option will not longer be available. Save the game, then restart. A "Hard Mode" option will now be unlocked under the ''New Game'' and ''Continue'' options. Getting all five stars Yellow star: Complete the game one time. Green star: Defeat all four of the hidden bosses in the WWW areas. Blue star: Complete the Program Advance List. Darkness is not required. Red star: Get a data library of 250 chips. Purple star: Get all of the secret chips. Getting free Navi chips You can get Navi chips in the slot in Netopia near the Hotel and Bank. Choose ten chips in the slot and get a new Navi chip back free. Sometimes you can even get Version 2 Chips. Note: A Navi chip does not appear every time. WWW area Successfully complete the game to unlock the WWW area. Go to Ula Internet area 4 and look for a glowing red warp. Enter it to access the WWW area. Note: You cannot exit once you enter, so saving the game is recommended. Styles In order to receive a style, you have defeated Shadowman Exe in the mother computer: Guts style: Use your buster and charged canon shots to defeat your enemies. Note: This style is very helpful in the beginning. Team styles: Use Navi chips to defeat your enemies. Shield styles: You must use Guard and Barrier chips. Note: You must not get hit when using these. Attack style: Use only Battle chips to defeat your enemies, such as Shot Gun ,Wide Sword, Heat Shot, etc. If you get this style, you will start a battle with seven chips instead of four. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Megaman Battle Network 2 cheat codes.
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